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Great Britain +44 7520 64 26 44
Antistatic system

Static electricity removal systems are used for removing the static field on the packaging materials during unwinding, rewinding, applying the picture. More...

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Static electricity removal systems are used for removing the static field on the packaging materials during unwinding, rewinding, applying the picture.

In the case of flexible plastic packaging, the companies working with the products containing dust and lightweight pieces of products (starch, tea, dust-forming cereals, wallpaper adhesives, etc.) face the problem of packaging film electrification. Multipolar static fields on the packaging material attract oppositely charged particles of the product and, as a consequence, reduce the quality and hermeticity of the package welded joints, worse the aesthetic appearance of the package, reduce the operating speed of packing machines and increase the number of discarded bags.

To remove stray static fields our company recommends the device BSN. This device consists of a high-voltage pulse unit forming coronary electrode and line electrode, distributing discharge on the surface of the material to be manufactured.

High-voltage high-frequency field allows neutralizing the increased potentials on the film and simplifying the packing of dust-forming and static products.

This system is equipped with electrodes with the following standard lengths: 55, 65, 93, 120 cm, or made ​​to order.

Information is for reference only. For more details please contact our sales managers.

Power supply voltage 1 phase 220V 50Hz
Output voltage 9,6-14 kV
Output frequency 3 kHz
Air humidity no more than 80%
Air temperature -10~+40 С°
Input power to 40W
Weight (without electrode) 2,2 kg
Dimensions 195x90x160 mm

Technical parameters are for reference only. For more details please contact our sales managers.

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